Tamás Levednovics

Tamás Levednovics

Venue: – Arrival of students: Around 8:45 AM – 9:00-9:15 Exploration of ancient tombs, Ford Model A, and the History of Computing exhibition – 9:15-9:30 IROB introduction – 9:30-10:45 Rotational activities in groups of 4-5 at the following...
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

In this fun introduction to AI, students in grades VB will first experiment with using it in drawing (Autodraw) and then train a real machine learning model to identify sea creatures and debris in the ocean (Code.org ). After trying to classify objects as...
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

In this fun introduction to AI, students in grades VA will first experiment with using it in drawing (Autodraw) and then train a real machine learning model to identify sea creatures and debris in the ocean (Code.org ). After trying to classify objects as...
Ti presento i robot!!!

Ti presento i robot!!!

Il corso introdurrà prima gli aspetti storici, relazionali e teorici sui robot e il loro legame attuale con l’Intelligenza Artificiale. Durante ciascuna lezione, dopo aver introdotto alcune tematiche teoriche sugli aspetti didattici dell’argomento, sarà illustrato il...