by eventsadmin | Dec 6, 2023
by eventsadmin | Dec 3, 2023
Venue: – Arrival of students: Around 8:45 AM – 9:00-9:15 Exploration of ancient tombs, Ford Model A, and the History of Computing exhibition – 9:15-9:30 IROB introduction – 9:30-10:45 Rotational activities in groups of 4-5 at the following...
by eventsadmin | Nov 27, 2023
In this fun introduction to AI, students in grades VB will first experiment with using it in drawing (Autodraw) and then train a real machine learning model to identify sea creatures and debris in the ocean ( ). After trying to classify objects as...
by eventsadmin | Nov 27, 2023
In this fun introduction to AI, students in grades VA will first experiment with using it in drawing (Autodraw) and then train a real machine learning model to identify sea creatures and debris in the ocean ( ). After trying to classify objects as...
by eventsadmin | Nov 27, 2023
Il corso introdurrà prima gli aspetti storici, relazionali e teorici sui robot e il loro legame attuale con l’Intelligenza Artificiale. Durante ciascuna lezione, dopo aver introdotto alcune tematiche teoriche sugli aspetti didattici dell’argomento, sarà illustrato il...
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