Crea il tuo primo robot

Casa Bufalini Via Nicolò Masini 16 47521 Cesena (FC) 0547 415080 Via Nicolò Masini 16, Cesena, Italy

Per iniziativa di Romagna Tech, ente gestore di Casa Bufalini, in collaborazione con Criad Robotix, unità operativa di Serinari, si svolgerà giovedì 30 novembre a Cesena alle 16,30 presso la stessa Casa Bufalini (via Masini, 16) un’interessante e innovativo laboratorio dal titolo “Crea il tuo primo robot” riservato agli alunni di 1a e 2a elementare. […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – kindergarten Ciciban #1

Kindergarten Ciciban Solinska 1, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and students of lower grades of elementary schools in the area of the City of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area. Two workshops will be held at […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – kindergarten Ciciban #2

Kindergarten Ciciban Solinska 1, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and students of lower grades of elementary schools in the area of the City of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area. Two workshops will be held at […]

The Colorful Circuit workshop – International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

On Saturday, February 11, starting at 10 a.m. in the Dubrovnik Youth Center Informatics club Futura, Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture will hold Colorful circuit workshop for primary school students. Lecturer Dinka Lale from the University of Dubrovnik & Informatics club Futura will present colorful circuit sets. Students will make […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Book Night 2023

Dubrovnik library Cvijete Zuzorić 4, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding for the children aged 5 to 9 years. It will be held on Friday, April 21 at 4 p.m., as a part of the Book Night 2023 event. At the workshop, […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Primary school

Primary school Ivan Gundulić Sustjepanska ul. 4, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and students of lower grades of elementary schools in the area of the City of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area. It will be on Tuesday, May […]

Getting Started with mBot Robotics

Students learn basic programming to control a simple robot using a Scratch based program. Starting with understanding computational thinking (breaking tasks into small steps), learning to use simple structures such as Loops and If statements, students are able to explore a variety of ways of interacting with physical objects (like the mBot) through the virtual […]

Robotics Workshop for teacher

Robotics is such an important part of computer science education because students easily connect how their code is making something happen in real life. We will teach the foundations of the robotics platform the teachers are using. Together we will explore the hardware, learn building tips and grasp the main functions of the platform. We […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops on Summer with robots in TUP #1

TUP Svetoga Križa 3, Dubrovnik

Informatics club Futura, Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture will held Robotics & screenless coding workshops with Bee-Bot and Blue-Bot robots on Thursday, July 13 at 9:30 and 11 a.m at the ex the Carbon Graphite and Electrocontact Products Factory TUP. The workshops are intended for children from 5 years old, […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops on Summer with robots in TUP #2

TUP Svetoga Križa 3, Dubrovnik

Informatics club Futura, Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture will held Robotics & screenless coding workshops with Bee-Bot and Blue-Bot robots on Thursday, July 13 at 9:30 and 11 a.m at the ex the Carbon Graphite and Electrocontact Products Factory TUP. The workshops are intended for children from 5 years old, […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops on Creative summer in Blato

Nataša Cetinić Gallery (Blato Cultural Center) 85. Ul. 3, Blato, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding workshop on robotics and screenless coding. As part of the manifestation “Creative summer in Blato”, workshop will be held at Nataša Cetinić Gallery (Blato Cultural Center) on Monday, July 24 at 6:00 p.m. At the workshop, participants will […]

Summer robotics camp for girls: robotics workshop

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding a robotics workshop for participants of the summer robotics camp for girls on Tuesday, August 8, at the Dubrovnik Youth Center. At the workshop, they will get to know Robomaster, Dayh & dot robots and the Nao robot. […]

Arduino workshop at the “RaSTEM” Summer Camp in Šibenik

Campus of the fortress of St. Ivan Put Tanaje 29, Šibenik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

On Monday, August 28 at 6 p.m. Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture will hold Arduino workshop, on the summer STEM camp “RaSTEM” for children, which will be held on the campus of the Fortress of St. Ivan in Šibenik. Lecturer Tomo Sjekavica will present Arduino technology, various types of Arduino […]


Istituto Comprensivo CERNOBBIO Via Regina, 5 Cernobbio Via Regina, 5, Cernobbio, Italy

Gli alunni parteciperanno alla CODEWEEK (ottobre 2023) oppure alla settimana dedicata all’ORA DEL CODICE (dicembre 2023) In piccoli gruppi affronteranno le sfide di logica matematica e di informatica partecipando a BEBRAS (novembre 2023) o ai Kangaroo con la risoluzione di problemi matematici (primavera 2024). Si organizzerà nelle varie classi un laboratorio di Robotica creativa con […]


Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet Lágymányosi u. 11, Budapest, Hungary

A SZTAKI Mérnöki és Üzleti Intelligencia Kutatólaboratóriumában újszerű robotikai alkalmazások várják az érdeklődő kicsiket és nagyokat. A látogatókat lerajzolja az egyik robot, egy másikkal bárki közösen szerelhet össze egy alkatrészt, miközben virtuális valóság alapú biztonsági rendszer segíti. De látható pakoló robot, amelyet képekkel tanítottak, vagy mozaik darabokat összerendező, sőt egy különleges gépkiszolgáló is, amely nem […]


Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet Lágymányosi u. 11, Budapest, Hungary

A SZTAKI Mérnöki és Üzleti Intelligencia Kutatólaboratóriumában újszerű robotikai alkalmazások várják az érdeklődő kicsiket és nagyokat. A látogatókat lerajzolja az egyik robot, egy másikkal bárki közösen szerelhet össze egy alkatrészt, miközben virtuális valóság alapú biztonsági rendszer segíti. De látható pakoló robot, amelyet képekkel tanítottak, vagy mozaik darabokat összerendező, sőt egy különleges gépkiszolgáló is, amely nem […]


Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet Lágymányosi u. 11, Budapest, Hungary

A SZTAKI Mérnöki és Üzleti Intelligencia Kutatólaboratóriumában újszerű robotikai alkalmazások várják az érdeklődő kicsiket és nagyokat. A látogatókat lerajzolja az egyik robot, egy másikkal bárki közösen szerelhet össze egy alkatrészt, miközben virtuális valóság alapú biztonsági rendszer segíti. De látható pakoló robot, amelyet képekkel tanítottak, vagy mozaik darabokat összerendező, sőt egy különleges gépkiszolgáló is, amely nem […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Primary school #1

Primary school Cavtat Ul. Stjepana Radića 5, Cavtat, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and students of lower grades of elementary schools in the area of the City of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area. As part of the European Programming […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Primary school #2

Primary school Cavtat Ul. Stjepana Radića 5, Cavtat, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and students of lower grades of elementary schools in the area of the City of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area. As part of the European Programming […]

Arduino workshop in Youth center Dubrovnik

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

On thursday, October 19 at 5 p.m. in Youth center Dubrovnik Informatics club Futura, Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture will hold Arduino workshop for 7th and 8th grade elementary school students and high school and university students. Lecturer Tomo Sjekavica will present Arduino technology, various types of Arduino development boards […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Primary school #3

Čilipi District School Beroje 76, Čilipi, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and students of lower grades of elementary schools in the area of the City of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area. As part of the European Programming […]

“Come to play with robots”

Labs of Technical University of Kosice Technical University of Kosice - PK8, Letna 9, Kosice, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Open doors event organized as a robotic labs tour mainly for students of basic and secondary schools. It will give them opportunity to play with robots and speak with robotic experts.

Apprendere con la robotica educativa

Polo Transizione digitale - Catania Calvino Via Brindisi, 11, Catania, Italy

L'Unità Formativa si prefigge l'obiettivo di condurre i docenti alla realizzazione di percorsi didattici STEM da realizzare con il supporto di robot di vario tipo.Finalità generale dell'educazione scientifica e delle materie STEM in generale è l'acquisizione da parte dello studente di conoscenze e abilità che ne arricchiscano la capacità di comprendere e di rapportarsi con […]

Mascota Robótica 2023

X Certamen Mascota robótica Bylinedu Con motivo de la Semana Europea de la Robótica, la Asociación ByLinedu convoca el Décimo Certamen MASCOTA ROBÓTICA dirigido a estudiantes y público en general de toda España. Atención a las fechas para el envío en línea de diseños y para la votación en redes sociales.La entrega de premios será […]

Dance Challenge

Online Augsburg, Germany

To celebrate the European Robotics Week and the 125th anniversary of our company, we are holding a dance challenge with our anniversary song “Keep on Moving”.What do you and your dance students need for this? A sense of rhythm and the right moves choreographed exclusively for us by street dance world champion and dance instructor […]

Malwettbewerb: Wie leben wir in 125 Jahren?

Online Augsburg, Germany

Deutschlandweiter Roboter-Malwettbewerb für Kinder zum Thema "Wie leben wir in 125 Jahren?". Male uns dein Bild von der Zukunft! Wofür würdest du Roboter einsetzen und wie sieht unser Leben in der Zukunft aus? Schreibe auf die Rückseite deiner Zeichnung deinen Namen und den deines Roboters, dein Alter und die E-Mail-Adresse eines Sorgeberechtigten. Schicke uns dein […]



I laboratori di coding e robotica aiutano gli alunni a pensare in modo creativo, stimolando la loro curiosità attraverso quello che apparentemente può sembrare un gioco. Attraverso questi laboratori vengono apprese le basi della programmazione informatica e si impara ad assemblare un robot, attraverso l’utilizzo di i-Code e Lego Spike. I-Code è un’applicazione per tablet […]

RoboSafari Timișoara 2023

Various venues Timișoara, Romania

RoboSafari Timișoara is a program aiming to expose Timișoara high-school kids to various environments where professionals from various fields are using, building, installing, maintaining robots. Within the project, group field visits will take place, creative content robotics-focused will be generated and circulated within the participating schools, disemination events will be organized and a final robo-party […]

Mala škola robotike

Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Programiranje robota za učenike petog i šestog razreda.

HispaRob ERW2023 Conference: “AI and STEAM: Redefining education” at SIMO Educación

IFEMA Feria de Madrid Av. del Partenón, 5, Madrid, Spain

Within the SIMO Education fair at IFEMA in the city of Madrid, we will be with stands showing products and services related to Educational Robotics, we will be conducting workshops and attending at the stand of HispaRob from 14 to 16 November and during the afternoons we will also have a part of the congress […]

Technical culture festival Split: workshop “Little engineers” #1

Sućidar Elementary School Perivoj Ane Roje 1, Split, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

As part of the Technical Culture Festival in Split "Tehnifest" this year the City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture will also participate, whose secretary Tomo Sjekavica will hold two "Little Engineers" workshops and an Arduino workshop. The "Little Engineers" workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 15 at 8:50 a.m. and on Thursday, November […]


Mješovita srednja škola Banovići CG5M+R7V, Branila Banovića, Banovići, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Escuela Infantil Portocarrero C. Tordesillas, 1, Aguadulce, Almería, Spain

Comenzamos la introducción del pensamiento computacional desenchufado, en la etapa de 1 Ciclo Educación Infantil y qué mejor que estos y estas peques siendo robots!

VEX V5 competitive

Riihimäki High School Koulukatu 5, Riihimäki, Finland

Technical culture festival Split: workshop “Arduino”

Sućidar Elementary School Perivoj Ane Roje 1, Split, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

As part of the Technical Culture Festival in Split "Tehnifest" this year the City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture will also participate, whose secretary Tomo Sjekavica will hold two "Little Engineers" workshops and an Arduino workshop. The "Little Engineers" workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 15 at 8:50 a.m. and on Thursday, November […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: electric model making workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. Workshops for making electric models […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: 3D pen drawing workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. 3D pen drawing workshops are […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: electric model making workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. Workshops for making electric models […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: 3D pen drawing workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. 3D pen drawing workshops are […]


Alicante Av. de Aguilera, 1, Alicante, Spain

ROS Film Festival is an international film festival that explores technology and, fundamentally, the relationship between humans and robots through the audiovisual medium. The selected short films feature dystopias, robots, Artificial Intelligences, addictive metaverses and, on occasion, a delirious sense of critical and deeply acid humour. Each day we will start with "classic" sci-fi shorts, […]

Technical culture festival Split: workshop “Little engineers” #2

Sućidar Elementary School Perivoj Ane Roje 1, Split, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

As part of the Technical Culture Festival in Split "Tehnifest" this year the City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture will also participate, whose secretary Tomo Sjekavica will hold two "Little Engineers" workshops and an Arduino workshop. The "Little Engineers" workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 15 at 8:50 a.m. and on Thursday, November […]

Robotics Club Family Junior 2.0

Il_Laboratorio (Via dei Serragli, 104 – Firenze). Via dei Serragli, 104, Firenze, Italy

Bambine e bambini dai 6/7 ai 10/11 anni, accompagnati ciascuno da un adulto.Le attività “family” sono dedicate a grandi e piccoli che lavorano insieme per scoprire, giocare e divertirsi! Il metodo è semplice: fare per imparare! Quanti incontri sono? Un incontro di 2 ore, dalle 15:00 alle 17:00, presso Il_Laboratorio (Via dei Serragli, 104 – […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: workshop “Robo-mice and robo-bees” #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. The workshops "Robo-mice and robo-bees" […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: 3D pen drawing workshop #3

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. 3D pen drawing workshops are […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: workshop “Robo-mice and robo-bees” #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. The workshops "Robo-mice and robo-bees" […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: 3D pen drawing workshop #4

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. 3D pen drawing workshops are […]

Izrada robota

OŠ Ilije Jakovljevića Mostar Dr Ante Starčevića bb, Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Izrada robota na hidraulički pogon

Robotics Adventure: Exploring the World of Robots and Micro:Bit

OŠ Kiseljak 1, Bilalovac Hrastovi 25, Bilalovac, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In celebration of European Robotics Week, an event is organized for students aged 10-14 with the aim of introducing them to the world of robotics and the application of Micro:Bit in exciting projects. Students aged 12-14 will deliver a presentation on robots and the fundamental characteristics of Micro:Bit, simultaneously showcasing their previous projects. Event Schedule: […]

HispaRob ERW2023 Conference: AI and STEAM: Redefining Education

Faculty of Education, University of Castilla La-Mancha (Toledo, Spain) Av. de Carlos III, Toledo, Spain

The Central Event of the European Robotics Week in Spain, "AI and STEAM: Redefining education", will take place at the Faculty of Education of the University of Castilla La-Mancha (Toledo). It will have an agenda that includes conferences, panel discussion, practical workshops, examples good practices and much more

Humanoide Roboter mit Künstlicher Intelligenz

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Adenauerring 2, Karlsruhe, Germany

Der Lehrstuhl für Hochperformante Humanoide Technologien erforscht und entwickelt humanoide Robotertechnologien und -systeme, die vielseitige Aufgaben in der realen Welt in Interaktion mit dem Menschen ausführen. Der Tag der offenen Tür macht die die vielseitigen Fähigkeiten humanoider Roboter zur Unterstützung des Menschen erfahrbar. Mit Hilfe künstlicher Intelligenz erfassen die Roboter der ARMAR-Familie ihre Umgebung, interpretieren […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: “Make your own Gameboy” workshop

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. The "Make your own Gameboy" […]

Intelligenza artificiale a scuola, prospettive e soluzioni concrete

CampuStore Italy, Italy

Un webinar per parlare di intelligenza artificiale a scuola, con soluzioni concrete, idee di applicazione e approfondimenti di ampio respiro. Il webinar, strutturato come una tavola rotonda, vedrà la partecipazione del team Ricerca e sviluppo di CampuStore e di esperti del settore che offriranno, ciascuno a modo proprio la prospettiva su un futuro che è […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: Illuminated badge soldering workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. Workshops for soldering luminous badges […]

Aprendiendo robótica en Codedojo Salamanca

ALDEASECA DE LA ARMUÑA, SALAMANCA C/ campillo, Salamanca, Spain

Acercamos el mundo de la programación y robótica de forma gratuita a niños de 7 a 17 años

Robo.Du Days 2023: Illuminated badge soldering workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. Workshops for soldering luminous badges […]


Osnovna škola Luka Ul. Otona Ivekovića 16, Sesvete, Zagreb, Croatia

STEM Day okupit će sve institucije, udruge i projekte koji aktivno promoviraju STEM, posebice robotiku u istočnom dijelu grada Zagreba. Demonstrirat će se povezanost ostalih sastavnica STEM-a s robotikom.

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO robotics presentation workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. LEGO robotics presentation workshops are […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO robotics presentation workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. LEGO robotics presentation workshops are […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO Spike workshop

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. The LEGO Spike workshop is […]

Hello Robot – Corso Intermedio SPAZIALE

Scuola di Robotica Sabato, 18 novembre⋅2:30 – 6:00PM Giardini Baltimora, Genova, Italy

Il corso si svolgerà anche nei sgg giorni: 02 Dicembre, 16 Dicembre 2023, 20 Gennaio, 03 Febbraio 2024. FORMAZIONE ATTIVITÀ CHI SIAMO NEWS RISORSE CONTATTI CIAO FIORELLA English CercaCerca Cerca... Nessun prodotto nel carrello. CARRELLO Hello Robot – LA ROBOTICA SPAZIALE – Nov 2023 / Feb 2024 – ANNO 2 INTERMEDIO Descrizione Descrizione QUANDO Il […]

MEET Robot Academy

Meet Media Guru Viale Vittorio Veneto, 2, Milano, Italy

Ogni sabato a partire dal 28 ottobre fino al 2 dicembre, MEET propone un laboratorio di 6 lezioni da 3 ore l’una. I laboratori iniziano alle ore 15.00 e terminano alle ore 18.00.Ragazzi e ragazze dai 7 agli 11 anni potranno esplorare arte, scienza e tecnologia attraverso la progettazione e la creazione di robot. Calendario […]

Programma il tuo robot

Museo Civico di Rovereto Borgo Santa Caterina, 41 38068 Rovereto (TN) - Italy Borgo Santa Caterina, 41, Rovereto, Italy

Laboratorio di robotica per ragazze e ragazzi da 9 a 15 anni. Lo spazio dedicato alla robotica educativa del Museo di Scienze e Archeologia apre al pubblico con laboratori diversi divisi per età. Le attività si svolgono al LEIS - LEGO® Education Innovation Studio, il centro attrezzato della Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto, dove è […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: VR Gaming Competition #1

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. Competitions in VR games are […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: VR Gaming Competition #2

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. Competitions in VR games are […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO playroom – robots #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. LEGO playrooms - robots are […]

Robotica educativa e pensiero computazionale“.

IC Como Rebbio, Via Cuzzi 6, 22100 Como Tel. 031/507349 Via Cuzzi 6, Como, Italy

Lunedì 19 novembre classe 2 A dalle 10.00 – 12.00 Lunedi 19 novembre classe 2B dalle 12.00 – 14.00 Mercoledì 21 novembre classe 3 A 10.00 – 12.00 Mercoledì 21 novembre classe 3 C 12.00 – 14.00 Lunedì 26 novembre classe 3 A 10.00 – 12.00 Lunedì 26 novembre classe 3 C 12.00 – 14.00 […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO playroom – robots #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. LEGO playrooms - robots are […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: KUBO robotics workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. KUBO robotics workshops (programming without […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: workshop “Little engineers” #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. The "Little Engineers" workshops are […]

Giocare con i robot

Ludoteca Comune Modena, via San Giovanni Bosco 150 via San Giovanni Bosco 150, Modena, Italy

Un pomeriggio di gioco aperto a tutti, per bambine/i, ragazze/i e le loro famiglie domenica 19 novembre dalle 16.00 alle 19.00.Alle 17.00 laboratorio di robotica educativa, dai 6 anni, in collaborazione con Civibox. Partecipazione gratuita, prenotazione obbligatoria.

Robo.Du Days 2023: workshop “Little engineers” #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. The "Little Engineers" workshops are […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: KUBO robotics workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the European Robotics Week. The program is filled with 20 interesting workshops for all age groups and competitions in VR games. KUBO robotics workshops (programming without […]

Pčelice Bee-Bot traže put do košnice

Pčelice Bee-Bot Bolnička ul. 11, Ogulin

BeeBot edukacijska je radionica za upoznavanje djece školskog uzrasta s osnovnim pravilima programiranja, uz razvitak logičkog mišljenja i sposobnosti rješavanja problema. Bee-Bot se kreće u koracima od 15 cm, može se okrenuti za 90 stupnjava, a može zapamtiti do 200 koraka. Prilikom susreta s drugim Bee-Bot i Blue-Bot robotima, roboti ostvaruju interakciju zvučnim signalima. Različitim […]

Teach coding with Minecraft

Područna škola Bernarda M. Luketića Zagorje, Ogulin Gornje Zagorje, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Students build their own world and learn to code in Minecraft with Minecraft Education Edition lessons.

Minecraft – Hour of Code

Društvo pedagoga tehničke kulture Ogulin Ul. Ivana Gorana Kovačića 5-1, Ogulin, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Students build their own world and learn to code in Minecraft with Minecraft Education Edition lessons.

micro:bit avantura

Osnovna škola "Kiseljak", Kiseljak Josipa bana Jelačića 42A, Kiseljak, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Učenici VI. razreda će upotrebom micro:bit uređaja kroz kratke projekte proći avanturu micro:bit uređaja i programiranja istog. U početku će kroz 45 minuta upoznati što može sve micro:bit, a potom će drugih 45 minuta kreirati projekte. Ideja je kroz treći dio od 45 minuta da prezentiraju svoje projekte.

RoboConnect: Un Ponte tra Giovani Talenti e Imprese – Settimana della Robotica 2023

Istituto Tecnico Economico ''Giuseppe Spataro'' "Istituto Tecnico Economico ''Giuseppe Spataro'' Via del Sole, 1, Casalbordino, Italy

L'elemento centrale sarà un "Challenge" che coinvolgerà gli studenti nella progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni robotiche innovative per affrontare specifiche sfide rurali. Queste sfide potrebbero includere tematiche come l'automazione agricola, la gestione sostenibile delle risorse o miglioramenti nella qualità della vita nelle comunità.


IES Leonardo Da Vinci Avenida de Guadarrama 42, Majadahonda (Madrid), Spain

¿Se pueden combinar ARTE, IMPRESIÓN 3D e INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL en un sólo objeto? En este taller dirigido a alumnos de 2º de ESO de la materia Tecnología y Digitalización, vamos a crear las audioguías de la exposición de obras de Leonardo Da Vinci presentadas en el hall de nuestro instituto. Las audioguías van a ser […]

Lego Education Week 2023: robotica a 360°

Scuola di Robotica, via Balbi 1A, 161216 Genova via Balbi 1A, Genova, Italy

Una grande settimana solo per le scuole italiane degli eventi speciali (in presenza e online) dove si potranno sperimentare diversi tipi di robot educativi, da quelli pe l'infanzia ai bracci robotici.

Robotica per Homeschooling

Scuola di Robotica, via Balbi 1A, 161216 Genova via Balbi 1A, Genova, Italy

Robotica con Lego EV3 e Halocode per bambini che seguono una Homeschooling.

Taller de impresión 3D

CEIP José Saramago en Almería Av. Gran Vía Marqués de Casablanca, nº 31, Puebla de Vícar, Almería, Spain

Se realizará una explicación teórica de la utilidad de las impresoras 3D abordando temas como la investigación, ayuda contra el Coronavirus y aplicaciones de estas en el sector industrial. Posteriormente se explicará el uso de programas o plataformas informáticas de uso gratuito para el desarrollo de piezas basadas en modelos 3D, como puede ser tinkercad. […]

Robotizamos el cole del hospital

Aula Hospitalaria de Getafe Hospital Universitario de Getafe Carretera de Toledo, km 12.500, Getafe, Spain

Robotizamos el cole del hospital Durante la semana del 20 al 24 de noviembre de 2023 realizaremos distintos tipos de talleres para acercar la robótica a los alumnos del SAED (Servicio de Apoyo Educativo Domiciliario) y del Aula Hospitalaria de Getafe.

Robotics & screenless coding workshop – Čilipi District School #1

Čilipi District School (Cavtat Primary School) Beroje 76, Čilipi, Croatia

Informatics club Futura, City of Dubrovnik Association of Tehnical Culture and Dubrovnik-Neretva County Association of Tehnical Culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and students of lower grades of elementary schools in the area of the City of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area. The workshops will be […]

Vještine: jučer, danas, sutra

Osnovna škola Mladost Karamanov prilaz 3, Zagreb, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Kroz tri radionice otvaramo vrata svijeta robotike. Upoznavanje s osnovama lemljenja, priborom i mjerama zaštite, izrađivanje elektroničke značke. Osnovna i napredna radionica Arduino i Micro:bit. Broj sudionika je ograničen!

Corso di robotica per ITIS

via Imperiale, 41 CAP 16143 Genova presso Fondazione Fassicomo via Imperiale, 41, Genova, Italy

Corso di robotica per studenti degli ITIS pst diploma

Corso NAO Online – SG Tecnology – Docenti

Scuola di Robotica, via Balbi 1A, 161216 Genova via Balbi 1A, Genova, Italy

Il progetto rivolto a docenti ha come scopo fornire ai partecipanti una formazione tale da poter utilizzare ilrobot umanoide Nao all’interno delle lezioni utilizzando una didattica supportata da robot. Verranno forniti sia i concetti tecnici sia quelli didattici per poter approfondire al meglio i concetti e creare unità didattiche e scenari da poter riutilizzare in […]

Programmiamo un robot!

ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO TEOFILO PATINI, Via Ficara 67100 L'Aquila Via Ficara, L'Aquila, Italy

Laboratori di robotica per tutti gli studenti di classe quinta

First Lego League. More than robots

Universidad de Alicante Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n, San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante, Spain

Jornada dirigida a los equipos participantes en la FLL Challenge más jóvenes en las que el equipo roboluti_ON y los organizadores del torneo local FLL Alicante compartirán claves y consejos para disfrutar al máximo del evento. Twitter : @roboluti_on @FLLAlicante

Radionica robotike

Zajednica tehničke kulture grada Splita Varaždinska 53, Split, Croatia

Polaznici radionica robotike sastavljaju robote (sušilo za ruke, semafor, vozila...), koristeći se Fischertechnik setom, potom programiraju i pokreću rad robota.

Masterobot alla BES school

BES (Bilingual European School) school di Milano, via Val Cismon 9. via Val Cismon 9., Milano, Italy

Il corso è iniziato il 10 ottobre 2023 con un incontro a settimana, coinvolge 10/15 bambini della scuola elementare. Gli incontri sono in presenza e i bambini pagano una quota per partecipare. Gli obiettivi sono quelli di farli entrare nel mondo dei robot, scoprire cosa sono, imparare a riconoscerli, costruirli e programmarli

Robótica educativa

Talleres escolares Alicún Km. 10,3, 04721, Ctra. de Alicun, Km 10, El Parador de las Hortichuelas, Almería, Spain


Gijón ( Escuelas Infantiles de Educación Infantil de 3 a 6) Calle Río de Oro 35, Gijón, Spain

Nuestra propuesta para la Semana Europea de la Robótica, diseñada para niños de educación infantil de 3 a 6 años. Con la ayuda de la inteligencia artificial limpiaremos los océanos por coincidir la ERW con la EWWR. El robot elegido para la actividad es Ozobot al que entrenaremos para que distinga entre peces y residuos […]


Consorzio Proplast Via Roberto di Ferro 86 15122 Alessandria Via Roberto di Ferro 86, Alessandria, Italy

OBIETTIVOL’utilizzo di robot cartesiani o antropomorfi nel processo di stampaggio ad iniezione è sempre più diffuso per svariate ragioni: riduzione del personale, miglioramento della qualità del prodotto stampato, esecuzione di pre e post lavorazioni, orientamento e posizionamento del prodotto stampato, ecc. Per ottenere il massimo vantaggio dall’utilizzo di sistemi automatizzati e/o robotizzati è fondamentale procedere […]

Giocare con i numeri? Robot in matematica!

Scuola di Robotica, via Balbi 1A, 161216 Genova via Balbi 1A, Genova, Italy

Presentazione del progetto Erasmus plus dedicato all'uso della robotica educativa pe ril sostegno all'apprendimento della matematica

Robotics & screenless coding workshop – Čilipi District School #2

Čilipi District School (Cavtat Primary School) Beroje 76, Čilipi, Croatia

Informatics club Futura, City of Dubrovnik Association of Tehnical Culture and Dubrovnik-Neretva County Association of Tehnical Culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and students of lower grades of elementary schools in the area of the City of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area. The workshops will be […]

School Robotics Competition

Primary school Kiseljak Josipa bana Jelačića 42A, Kiseljak, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Robotics Week is celebrated through an exciting robotics competition in the "Kiseljak" elementary school. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their robot programming skills and compete in various challenges. The competition is aimed at elementary school-aged children and will encourage creativity, collaboration, and teamwork.

mBot avantura

Osnovna škola "Kiseljak", Kiseljak Josipa bana Jelačića 42A, Kiseljak, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Članovi robotičke sekcije će imati priliku kroz sekciju raditi na projektu rješavanja staze za mBot robot programirajući ga da izvrši ispravno zadatak u što kraćem roku. mBot robot treba prenijeti paket od točke A do točke B.

Robotica nel biomedicale . Corso

ITS Torino via Aosta 8 via Aosta 8, Torino, Italy

Corso dedicato a post diploma sull'impiego della robotica. nel medicale (protesi, companion)

Anche io so programmare un robot!

Scuola di Robotica, via Balbi 1A, 161216 Genova via Balbi 1A, Genova, Italy

“Anche io so programmare un robot! Quante persone lo desiderano, quante vorrebbero imparare a “mettere le mani” su un dispositivo intelligente, un robot, e poterlo programmare. Capire un po’ che cosa sia questa Intelligenza Artificiale di cui si parla tanto, o poter seguire quello che fanno i nostri figli e nipoti con gli smartphone e […]

Retos STEAM Challenge com SPIKE Prime

Les Alzines Carrer Camí Vell de Fornells, 2, Girona, Spain

El objetivo es proponer varios retos a los alumnos que deba ser resuelto de forma autónoma por un robot SPIKE para lo cual debe ser capaz de adaptarse a determinados cambios en el escenario, lo que pone el foco en la robótica, ya que no se podrá resolver controlando al robot de forma remota, ni […]

Pokaži Bee-Botu put do…

Pokaži put Trg Petra Stipetića 1, Ogulin, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

BeeBot edukacijska je radionica za upoznavanje djece školskog uzrasta s osnovnim pravilima programiranja, uz razvitak logičkog mišljenja i sposobnosti rješavanja problema. Bee-Bot se kreće u koracima od 15 cm, može se okrenuti za 90 stupnjava, a može zapamtiti do 200 koraka. Prilikom susreta s drugim Bee-Bot i Blue-Bot robotima, roboti ostvaruju interakciju zvučnim signalima. Različitim […]

Presentazione della NAO Challenge 2024

Scuola di Robotica, via Balbi 1A, 161216 Genova via Balbi 1A, Genova, Italy

Presentazione del Regolamento e finalità della NAO Challenge 2024. La Nao Challenge è un percorso didattico sviluppato attraverso lo strumento del contest, dedicato agli studenti delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado con l’obiettivo di accrescere la conoscenza dei giovani nell’impiego della robotica umanoide attraverso lo sviluppo di software da utilizzare in situazioni plausibili e verosimili […]

Workshop on Aerial Robotics for teenagers

Aerial Robotics Lab (AeRoLab) of the University of Luxembourg 1246 Kirchberg Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Description: In this exciting event, participants will have the opportunity to explore the captivating world of Multirotor Aerial Robotics within the University of Luxembourg's AeroLab. The participants will gain valuable insights into the lab's inner workings and discover potential future projects that await them. Furthermore, Kids Life Skills will provide an overview of our collaborative […]

The colorful world of Bee-Bot

Kulturno–društveni centar srpske manjine “Baranjska srpska kuća” Vladana Desnice 79, Beli Manastir, Croatia

Through collaboration and teamwork and integration with different subjects, including math, language, science and technology, children will learn the basics of programming in an interactive and fun way, encouraging the development of key skills needed for modern society.

Finding the forgotten scientist

Osnovna škola Slavka Kolara, Kravarsko Gajevo ul. 2, Kravarsko, Croatia

Students will participate in teams in an escape room and in search of a forgotten scientist, through fun activities of micro:bit programming and physical experiments using the modern scientific method.

Intelligenza Artificiale e Robotica Cognitiva

Futuro Remoto, Città della Scienza Napoli Via Coroglio, 57, Napoli, Italy

Ad accogliere i visitatori e ad intrattenerli ci penserà MIVIABot, il robot intelligente il cui “cervello” è stato progettato dai ricercatori del MIVIA Lab. MIVIABot è in grado di interagire con le persone in modo intelligente, riconoscendone il genere e l’età e parlando con loro nel modo più appropriato sulla base delle loro caratteristiche. Vieni […]


Futuro Remoto, Città della Scienza Napoli Via Coroglio, 57, Napoli, Italy

Contenuti e percorsi didattici innovativi in linea con le profonde trasformazioni che investono attualmente le società: robotica e intelligenza artificiale. Le scuole sono oggi chiamate a confrontarsi con l’ultima generazione di nativi digitali, coloro che faranno un lavoro che oggi ancora non esiste. Proprio per questo, è importante che la popolazione scolastica conosca e impari […]

Maqueen robot is exploring autumn

Osnovna škola Eugena Kvaternika, Velika Gorica Školska ul. 4, Velika Gorica, Croatia

Through workshop, students will program the micro:bit Maqueen plus V2 robot to perform set tasks - follow a line using line tracking sensors, detect and stop in front of an obstacle using ultrasonic sensors, control LED lights, play a set melody. Strategies for problem solving, teamwork and cooperation, creativity and communication, and computational thinking and […]

Visit to the Robotics and Smart Factories Laboratory

School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic University of Leiria P5MH+MJ, Campus 2 - Morro do Lena, Alto do Vieiro, Apt 4163, Edifício D, Leiria, 2411-901, Portugal

Come and visit the Advanced Robotics and Smart Factories Laboratory in the D building of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Uniersity of Leiria, where you can: 1. To know part of the work and projects carried out at ESTG\Polytechnic of Leiria in the field of robotics. 2. Have contact with robotic […]

The Ingenious Detective

School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic University of Leiria P5MH+MJ, Campus 2 - Morro do Lena, Alto do Vieiro, Apt 4163, Edifício D, Leiria, 2411-901, Portugal

The goal is to use an embedded computer systems and sensors to analyze and solve cases in an environment of mutual help and competition. Actual data from an example situation will be provided. With the support of the activity supervisors, the participants will have to analyse all the clues provided, in order to find the […]

Jornadas demostrativas de Automatización y Robótica

FADA-CATEC facilities (La Rinconada) Wilbur y Orville Wright Street, 19, La Rinconada, Sevilla (Spain)

CATEC will hold an event for the European Robotics Week at its facilities in La Rinconada, Seville. The event will consist of a demonstration tour showing the latest Robotics, Automation and AI techniques developed by the research centre, including novel hardware solutions such as terrestrial, industrial and collaborative robots, among others.

Virtuelle Werksführung über das KUKA Gelände in Augsburg

Online Augsburg, Germany

Du hast dich immer schon gefragt, wie es hinter den Eingangstüren und Werkstoren von KUKA aussieht? Melde dich zu unserer virtuellen Werksführung über das KUKA Gelände in Augsburg an. Highlight des virtuellen Rundgangs: Ein Blick in unsere Roboterproduktion, in der du von den Einzelteilen bis zum fertigen und verpackten Roboter jeden Arbeitsschritt verfolgen kannst. Blicke […]

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

I.C. Elsa Morante - Scuola Primaria Giardinieri Via di Porta San Sebastiano, 2, Roma, Italy

In this fun introduction to AI, students in grades VA will first experiment with using it in drawing (Autodraw) and then train a real machine learning model to identify sea creatures and debris in the ocean ( ). After trying to classify objects as "fish" or "non-fish" in an attempt to remove waste from the […]

MBot education

O.Š. "Suljo Čilić" Jablanica Jablanica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kroz zabavu naučiti programiranje i rješavati razne zadatke sa robotom mBot.

Robot Picasso: Discovering the Magic of AI in Art

OŠ Eugena Kvaternika, Velika Gorica Školska ul. 4, Velika Gorica, Croatia

In the workshop, 6th grade students will learn about artificial neural networks that generate visual content. Through the application of several such systems (DALL-E, HotPot AI, GANpaint Studio), they will analyze and compare the obtained results and come to a conclusion about how such systems can be used to solve everyday problems.

CROCEMS Project Status

Technical University Wien Vienna, Austria

In the framework of the European Robotics Week 2023, CROCEMS Team will show their current results; an analysis of the insights from Manufacturing Sectors about Collaborative Robotics abd the Curriculum which comprises our training course (topics, units, skills)

Alenka Njegovac

Programiramo LEGO SPIKE robote Ul. Josipa Jurja Strossmayera 32, Daruvar

U Centru tehničke kulture Daruvar, obilježit ćemo Europski tjedan robotike 22.11.2023. od 16 do 17:30 sati. Učenici viših razreda osnovne škole programirat će LEGO SPIKE robote.

Educare alla lettura con coding e robotica

Scuola di Robotica Scuola di Robotica, via Balbi 1A, Genova, Italy

Educare alla Lettura. Per un’Ingegneria del racconto 2022-23è un progetto di narrazione sostenuta dal coding coordinato da Scuola di Robotica e co-finanziato dal Centro per il libro e la lettura (CEPELL), offre sei ore di lezioni gratuite on line sulle tecnologie digitali e robotiche per inventare nuove forme di lettura e narrazione. Le lezioni sono […]

Educare alla Lettura.. con robot

Scuola di Robotica, via Balbi 1A, 161216 Genova via Balbi 1A, Genova, Italy

Leggere e Narrare con il coding e la robotica educativa è dedicato alla promozione del libro, della lettura e narrazione con strumenti innovativi. Coordinato da Scuola di Robotica e realizzato con il finanziamento del Centro per il libro e la lettura, è gratuito, ed è rivolto in particolare alle scuole secondarie di primo, ma anche […]

Micro:Maqueen Mechanic

Centar tehničke kulture Rijeka Školjić 6, Rijeka, Croatia

Radionica Micro:Maqueen Mechanic namijenjena je djeci od 5. do 8. razreda, a na njoj ćeš, uz našeg poznatog robotića micro:Maqueen Plus, imati na raspolaganju set dodataka koji nude nove funkcionalnosti i više zabave. Uz malo jednostavne instalacije i programiranja napravit ćeš svoje mini projekte i pretvoriti svojeg Maqueen Plus robotića u kukca, vozilo za utovar […]

Hexapod steps

First secondary school Beli Manastir Školska ul. 3, Beli Manastir, Croatia

Workshop participants will develop mobile applications that will control the movement of the hexapod. It will use MIT App Inventor, a free tool for visual programming of mobile applications.

Everyday activitity knowledge acquisition and execution in an interactive learning environment

Virtual Bremen, Germany

We introduce an interactive learning platform that aims at enabling researchers around the world to acquire relevant knowledge for robotic task execution that help them execute manipulation tasks, which can be performed in simulation environments. The simulation environments use the same frameworks as real robots in our laboratories but can be used from any place […]

Robotica educativa al Museo Ferrari

Museo Enzo Ferrari di Modena Enzo Ferrari Museum, Modena, Italy

Dalla collaborazione con FuturMakers, l'iniziativa far avvicinare bambini/e e ragazzi/e, ai temi dell'innovazione, della scienza e della tecnologia (STEM), e il Museo Enzo Ferrari di Modena nasce un evento con attività laboratoriali gratuite sul gaming e sulla robotica educativa per permettere a tutti di sperimentare in maniera creativa e divertente le nuove tecnologie. L’evento organizzato […]

Eurobotics Week in South of Norway

Mechatronics Innovation Lab, Grimstad, Norway Mechatronics Innovation Lab AS, Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad, Norway

We will show robotics and vision for the service of society: Backpack testing for kids, security and more

Biomechatronics and Collaborative Robotics

Mechatronics Innovation Lab, Grimstad, Norway Mechatronics Innovation Lab AS, Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad, Norway

Join us at the European Robotics Week for a captivating and informative event open to the general public, hosted by the Biomechatronics and Collaborative Robotics research group at the Top Research Centre Mechatronics (TRCM), University of Agder (UiA), Norway. We are excited to present two remarkable demos that showcase the future of robotics in life-saving […]

Robotlu Gelecek

ODTÜ-ROMER (Robotik ve Yapay Zeka Merkezi), ODTÜ Kampüsü, Araştırma Parkı, Dumlupınar Bulvarı, Çankaya, Ankara ODTU-ROMER (Robotik ve Yapay Zeka Merkezi), Arastirma Parki, ODTU Kampusu, Dumlupinar Bulvari, Cankaya, Ankara, Turkey

Herkese açık bu etkinlikte robotik konusunda bilgilendirici sunumlar ve ROMER'de araştırma yapılan robotların gösterimi yapılacak.

Comau Presenta “MI.RA/Picker”

MECSOE Bari, S.F.B. (Pad. 19 – Stand A20), Via Eritrea, 21, Milano, Italy

Comau partecipa alla fiera MECSPE di Bari per presentare le tecnologie di automazione avanzata, di robotica educativa e di robotica indossabile. Dal 23 al 25 in collaborazione con partner e distributori locali saremo presenti presso S.F.B. (Pad. 19 – Stand A20), dove potrai scoprire MI.RA/Picker, la soluzione di automazione avanzata e intelligente per il prelievo […]

Presentazione del robot educativo e.DO e l’offerta formativa progettata

MECSPE Bari Via Eritrea, 21, Milano, Italy

Nella “Piazza della Formazione 4.0”, lo spazio nato dalla collaborazione tra MECSPE e la Fondazione ITS A. Cuccovillo di Bari, il team di Comau Academy presenterà il robot educativo e.DO e l’offerta formativa progettata per favorire l’apprendimento delle materie STEM per le scuole primarie e secondarie di primo grado. Ti illustreremo i programmi di robotica […]

Il robot educativo e.DO in azione

MECSPE Bari Via Eritrea, 21, Milano, Italy

Il robot educativo e.DO sarà ospite anche dello spazio di AVMECH (Pad. 19, Stand A13), vedrai da vicino l’utilizzo intuitivo e agile di questo piccolo braccio robotico, modulare e multi-asse, con intelligenza integrata open-source.

Giocare con i robot.. per imparare

Ludoteca di Final Ligure, Via Pertica, 29 17024 Via Tommaso Pertica, 18, Finale Ligure, Italy

La Ludoteca di Finale Ligure offre dei laboratori di robotica per ragazzi.

I robot in aiuto alle STEM

IC Albaro, V. Montezovetto 7 - 16145 Genova V. Montezovetto 7, Genova, Italy

Un corso dedicato all'impiego dei robot educativi a sostegno dell'apprendimento delle STEM

Le sfide della robotica collaborativa

MECSPE BARI PIAZZA DELLA FORMAZIONE 4.0 - PAD 20 - STAND A28 SALA: A28 - Pad. 20 - Padiglione 20 , Italy

Lungomare Starita, 4 – 70132 Bari


Istituto Comprensivo Bosisio Parini Via A. Appiani, 10 – 23842 Bosisio Parini Via A. Appiani, 10, Bosisio Parini, Italy

Da giovedì 23 novembre 2023 dalle ore 16,45 alle ore 18,45, giovedì 30 novembre 2023 dalle ore 16,45 alle ore 18,45. Programma del corso: Il corso è orientato a fornire le competenze operative per approcciarsi al coding (dall’inglese, significa scrittura di codice, ovvero in linguaggio informatico programmazione)  proponendo un inquadramento teorico/didattico e fornendo esempi concreti di attività […]