Crea il tuo primo robot

Casa Bufalini Via Nicolò Masini 16 47521 Cesena (FC) 0547 415080 Via Nicolò Masini 16, Cesena, Italy

Per iniziativa di Romagna Tech, ente gestore di Casa Bufalini, in collaborazione con Criad Robotix, unità operativa di Serinari, si svolgerà giovedì 30 novembre a Cesena alle 16,30 presso la […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – kindergarten Ciciban #1

Kindergarten Ciciban Solinska 1, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – kindergarten Ciciban #2

Kindergarten Ciciban Solinska 1, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Book Night 2023

Dubrovnik library Cvijete Zuzorić 4, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding for the children aged 5 to […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Primary school

Primary school Ivan Gundulić Sustjepanska ul. 4, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and […]

Getting Started with mBot Robotics

Students learn basic programming to control a simple robot using a Scratch based program. Starting with understanding computational thinking (breaking tasks into small steps), learning to use simple structures such […]

Robotics Workshop for teacher

Robotics is such an important part of computer science education because students easily connect how their code is making something happen in real life. We will teach the foundations of […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops on Creative summer in Blato

Nataša Cetinić Gallery (Blato Cultural Center) 85. Ul. 3, Blato, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding workshop on robotics and screenless coding. As part of the manifestation “Creative summer […]

Summer robotics camp for girls: robotics workshop

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding a robotics workshop for participants of the summer robotics camp for girls on […]

Arduino workshop at the “RaSTEM” Summer Camp in Šibenik

Campus of the fortress of St. Ivan Put Tanaje 29, Šibenik, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

On Monday, August 28 at 6 p.m. Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture will hold Arduino workshop, on the summer STEM camp “RaSTEM” for children, which […]


Istituto Comprensivo CERNOBBIO Via Regina, 5 Cernobbio Via Regina, 5, Cernobbio, Italy

Gli alunni parteciperanno alla CODEWEEK (ottobre 2023) oppure alla settimana dedicata all’ORA DEL CODICE (dicembre 2023) In piccoli gruppi affronteranno le sfide di logica matematica e di informatica partecipando a […]


Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet Lágymányosi u. 11, Budapest, Hungary

A SZTAKI Mérnöki és Üzleti Intelligencia Kutatólaboratóriumában újszerű robotikai alkalmazások várják az érdeklődő kicsiket és nagyokat. A látogatókat lerajzolja az egyik robot, egy másikkal bárki közösen szerelhet össze egy alkatrészt, […]


Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet Lágymányosi u. 11, Budapest, Hungary

A SZTAKI Mérnöki és Üzleti Intelligencia Kutatólaboratóriumában újszerű robotikai alkalmazások várják az érdeklődő kicsiket és nagyokat. A látogatókat lerajzolja az egyik robot, egy másikkal bárki közösen szerelhet össze egy alkatrészt, […]


Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet Lágymányosi u. 11, Budapest, Hungary

A SZTAKI Mérnöki és Üzleti Intelligencia Kutatólaboratóriumában újszerű robotikai alkalmazások várják az érdeklődő kicsiket és nagyokat. A látogatókat lerajzolja az egyik robot, egy másikkal bárki közösen szerelhet össze egy alkatrészt, […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Primary school #1

Primary school Cavtat Ul. Stjepana Radića 5, Cavtat, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Primary school #2

Primary school Cavtat Ul. Stjepana Radića 5, Cavtat, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and […]

Arduino workshop in Youth center Dubrovnik

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

On thursday, October 19 at 5 p.m. in Youth center Dubrovnik Informatics club Futura, Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture will hold Arduino workshop for 7th […]

Robotics & screenless coding workshops – Primary school #3

Čilipi District School Beroje 76, Čilipi, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Informatics club Futura and the Dubrovnik-neretva county & City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture are holding guest workshops on robotics and screenless coding, which are intended for preschoolers and […]

“Come to play with robots”

Labs of Technical University of Kosice Technical University of Kosice - PK8, Letna 9, Kosice, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Open doors event organized as a robotic labs tour mainly for students of basic and secondary schools. It will give them opportunity to play with robots and speak with robotic […]

Apprendere con la robotica educativa

Polo Transizione digitale - Catania Calvino Via Brindisi, 11, Catania, Italy

L'Unità Formativa si prefigge l'obiettivo di condurre i docenti alla realizzazione di percorsi didattici STEM da realizzare con il supporto di robot di vario tipo.Finalità generale dell'educazione scientifica e delle […]

Mascota Robótica 2023

X Certamen Mascota robótica Bylinedu Con motivo de la Semana Europea de la Robótica, la Asociación ByLinedu convoca el Décimo Certamen MASCOTA ROBÓTICA dirigido a estudiantes y público en general […]

Dance Challenge

Online Augsburg, Germany

To celebrate the European Robotics Week and the 125th anniversary of our company, we are holding a dance challenge with our anniversary song “Keep on Moving”.What do you and your […]

Malwettbewerb: Wie leben wir in 125 Jahren?

Online Augsburg, Germany

Deutschlandweiter Roboter-Malwettbewerb für Kinder zum Thema "Wie leben wir in 125 Jahren?". Male uns dein Bild von der Zukunft! Wofür würdest du Roboter einsetzen und wie sieht unser Leben in […]



I laboratori di coding e robotica aiutano gli alunni a pensare in modo creativo, stimolando la loro curiosità attraverso quello che apparentemente può sembrare un gioco. Attraverso questi laboratori vengono […]

RoboSafari Timișoara 2023

Various venues Timișoara, Romania

RoboSafari Timișoara is a program aiming to expose Timișoara high-school kids to various environments where professionals from various fields are using, building, installing, maintaining robots. Within the project, group field […]

Mala škola robotike

Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Programiranje robota za učenike petog i šestog razreda.

Technical culture festival Split: workshop “Little engineers” #1

Sućidar Elementary School Perivoj Ane Roje 1, Split, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

As part of the Technical Culture Festival in Split "Tehnifest" this year the City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture will also participate, whose secretary Tomo Sjekavica will hold two […]


Mješovita srednja škola Banovići CG5M+R7V, Branila Banovića, Banovići, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Escuela Infantil Portocarrero C. Tordesillas, 1, Aguadulce, Almería, Spain

Comenzamos la introducción del pensamiento computacional desenchufado, en la etapa de 1 Ciclo Educación Infantil y qué mejor que estos y estas peques siendo robots!

VEX V5 competitive

Riihimäki High School Koulukatu 5, Riihimäki, Finland

Technical culture festival Split: workshop “Arduino”

Sućidar Elementary School Perivoj Ane Roje 1, Split, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

As part of the Technical Culture Festival in Split "Tehnifest" this year the City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture will also participate, whose secretary Tomo Sjekavica will hold two […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: electric model making workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: 3D pen drawing workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: electric model making workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: 3D pen drawing workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]


Alicante Av. de Aguilera, 1, Alicante, Spain

ROS Film Festival is an international film festival that explores technology and, fundamentally, the relationship between humans and robots through the audiovisual medium. The selected short films feature dystopias, robots, […]

Technical culture festival Split: workshop “Little engineers” #2

Sućidar Elementary School Perivoj Ane Roje 1, Split, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

As part of the Technical Culture Festival in Split "Tehnifest" this year the City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture will also participate, whose secretary Tomo Sjekavica will hold two […]

Robotics Club Family Junior 2.0

Il_Laboratorio (Via dei Serragli, 104 – Firenze). Via dei Serragli, 104, Firenze, Italy

Bambine e bambini dai 6/7 ai 10/11 anni, accompagnati ciascuno da un adulto.Le attività “family” sono dedicate a grandi e piccoli che lavorano insieme per scoprire, giocare e divertirsi! Il […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: workshop “Robo-mice and robo-bees” #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: 3D pen drawing workshop #3

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: workshop “Robo-mice and robo-bees” #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: 3D pen drawing workshop #4

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Izrada robota

OŠ Ilije Jakovljevića Mostar Dr Ante Starčevića bb, Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Izrada robota na hidraulički pogon

Robotics Adventure: Exploring the World of Robots and Micro:Bit

OŠ Kiseljak 1, Bilalovac Hrastovi 25, Bilalovac, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In celebration of European Robotics Week, an event is organized for students aged 10-14 with the aim of introducing them to the world of robotics and the application of Micro:Bit […]

HispaRob ERW2023 Conference: AI and STEAM: Redefining Education

Faculty of Education, University of Castilla La-Mancha (Toledo, Spain) Av. de Carlos III, Toledo, Spain

The Central Event of the European Robotics Week in Spain, "AI and STEAM: Redefining education", will take place at the Faculty of Education of the University of Castilla La-Mancha (Toledo). […]

Humanoide Roboter mit Künstlicher Intelligenz

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Adenauerring 2, Karlsruhe, Germany

Der Lehrstuhl für Hochperformante Humanoide Technologien erforscht und entwickelt humanoide Robotertechnologien und -systeme, die vielseitige Aufgaben in der realen Welt in Interaktion mit dem Menschen ausführen. Der Tag der offenen […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: “Make your own Gameboy” workshop

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: Illuminated badge soldering workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Aprendiendo robótica en Codedojo Salamanca

ALDEASECA DE LA ARMUÑA, SALAMANCA C/ campillo, Salamanca, Spain

Acercamos el mundo de la programación y robótica de forma gratuita a niños de 7 a 17 años

Robo.Du Days 2023: Illuminated badge soldering workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]


Osnovna škola Luka Ul. Otona Ivekovića 16, Sesvete, Zagreb, Croatia

STEM Day okupit će sve institucije, udruge i projekte koji aktivno promoviraju STEM, posebice robotiku u istočnom dijelu grada Zagreba. Demonstrirat će se povezanost ostalih sastavnica STEM-a s robotikom.

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO robotics presentation workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO robotics presentation workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO Spike workshop

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Hello Robot – Corso Intermedio SPAZIALE

Scuola di Robotica Sabato, 18 novembre⋅2:30 – 6:00PM Giardini Baltimora, Genova, Italy

Il corso si svolgerà anche nei sgg giorni: 02 Dicembre, 16 Dicembre 2023, 20 Gennaio, 03 Febbraio 2024. FORMAZIONE ATTIVITÀ CHI SIAMO NEWS RISORSE CONTATTI CIAO FIORELLA English CercaCerca Cerca... […]

MEET Robot Academy

Meet Media Guru Viale Vittorio Veneto, 2, Milano, Italy

Ogni sabato a partire dal 28 ottobre fino al 2 dicembre, MEET propone un laboratorio di 6 lezioni da 3 ore l’una. I laboratori iniziano alle ore 15.00 e terminano […]

Programma il tuo robot

Museo Civico di Rovereto Borgo Santa Caterina, 41 38068 Rovereto (TN) - Italy Borgo Santa Caterina, 41, Rovereto, Italy

Laboratorio di robotica per ragazze e ragazzi da 9 a 15 anni. Lo spazio dedicato alla robotica educativa del Museo di Scienze e Archeologia apre al pubblico con laboratori diversi […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: VR Gaming Competition #1

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: VR Gaming Competition #2

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO playroom – robots #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robotica educativa e pensiero computazionale“.

IC Como Rebbio, Via Cuzzi 6, 22100 Como Tel. 031/507349 Via Cuzzi 6, Como, Italy

Lunedì 19 novembre classe 2 A dalle 10.00 – 12.00 Lunedi 19 novembre classe 2B dalle 12.00 – 14.00 Mercoledì 21 novembre classe 3 A 10.00 – 12.00 Mercoledì 21 […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: LEGO playroom – robots #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: KUBO robotics workshop #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: workshop “Little engineers” #1

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Giocare con i robot

Ludoteca Comune Modena, via San Giovanni Bosco 150 via San Giovanni Bosco 150, Modena, Italy

Un pomeriggio di gioco aperto a tutti, per bambine/i, ragazze/i e le loro famiglie domenica 19 novembre dalle 16.00 alle 19.00.Alle 17.00 laboratorio di robotica educativa, dai 6 anni, in […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: workshop “Little engineers” #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Robo.Du Days 2023: KUBO robotics workshop #2

Youth center Dubrovnik Obala pape Ivana Pavla II 44a, Dubrovnik, Croatia

City of Dubrovnik Association of technical culture is organizing the eighth Robo.Du Days from November 15 to 19 at the Dubrovnik Youth Center, as part of the celebration of the […]

Pčelice Bee-Bot traže put do košnice

Pčelice Bee-Bot Bolnička ul. 11, Ogulin

BeeBot edukacijska je radionica za upoznavanje djece školskog uzrasta s osnovnim pravilima programiranja, uz razvitak logičkog mišljenja i sposobnosti rješavanja problema. Bee-Bot se kreće u koracima od 15 cm, može […]

Teach coding with Minecraft

Područna škola Bernarda M. Luketića Zagorje, Ogulin Gornje Zagorje, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Students build their own world and learn to code in Minecraft with Minecraft Education Edition lessons.

Minecraft – Hour of Code

Društvo pedagoga tehničke kulture Ogulin Ul. Ivana Gorana Kovačića 5-1, Ogulin, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Students build their own world and learn to code in Minecraft with Minecraft Education Edition lessons.

micro:bit avantura

Osnovna škola "Kiseljak", Kiseljak Josipa bana Jelačića 42A, Kiseljak, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Učenici VI. razreda će upotrebom micro:bit uređaja kroz kratke projekte proći avanturu micro:bit uređaja i programiranja istog. U početku će kroz 45 minuta upoznati što može sve micro:bit, a potom […]

RoboConnect: Un Ponte tra Giovani Talenti e Imprese – Settimana della Robotica 2023

Istituto Tecnico Economico ''Giuseppe Spataro'' "Istituto Tecnico Economico ''Giuseppe Spataro'' Via del Sole, 1, Casalbordino, Italy

L'elemento centrale sarà un "Challenge" che coinvolgerà gli studenti nella progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni robotiche innovative per affrontare specifiche sfide rurali. Queste sfide potrebbero includere tematiche come l'automazione agricola, […]